Autors: Spasov, G. v., Shopov, M., Stankov , I., Zaikov, P., Hadzhinikolov, N. Title: DEVELOPMENT OF A SYSTEM FOR “HOME CONTROL ON FINGERTIPS” Keywords: home automation, distributed embedded systems, home networki Abstract: Nowadays, advanced technology devices are all around us. We take them for granted and we are using them in all spheres of social life. We decided to combine the fast development of the technology and daily human habits in a centralized system that we called “Home Control on Fingertips” (HOCFIT). The system is designed in hierarchical three-layer model: master, sub-masters, and end-devices. Each of them has their features and suitable interfaces to communicate with each other. Master accepts the commands from the authorized user and transmits it to the definite sub-master and the sub-mas References
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