Autors: Dermendzhiyski, Y. H., Pavlov, N. L.
Title: A Study of Energy Consumption of a Converted Electric Vehicle in Winter Conditions

Abstract: One of the grave disadvantages of electric cars is their reduced mileage in cold temperatures (winter conditions). A key factor contributing to the sharp decline in electric vehicle range in winter is the need to heat the passenger compartment. The present paper analyzes the energy consumption of a Nissan Micra car, converted into an electric vehicle, comparing the effects of having the passenger compartment heating on versus off mode. Analog sensors are used to measure ambient temperature, cabin temperature, traction battery current, and voltage. The experiments were carried out on a busy boulevard with intense traffic, and a significant change in altitude. The results are presented graphically and carefully analyzed.


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AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 3294, 2024, ,

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