Autors: Dekov A.A., Hinov, N. L., Hranov, T. H.
Title: Software Environment for Automated Experiments with DC/DC Converters
Keywords: DC/DC Converters, Experiments, Intelligent System, Python

Abstract: The paper details the architecture of an automated measurement system application developed in Python. It leverages packages such as PyVISA, Pandas, and PyQt6 for its graphical user interface. The application is utilized in power electronics to measure the efficiency of DC/DC converters. The structure and key functions of the virtual instrument's code are presented and analyzed. Notable features include real-time plotting of results, safety feature buttons in the GUI for critical situations, a faster and more flexible measurement setup, and multi-platform compatibility, thanks to the use of open-source software.


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2024 12th International Scientific Conference on Computer Science, COMSCI 2024 - Proceedings, 2024, ,

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