Autors: Lazarova S., Paunska T., Vasilev V., Tarnev, K. C., Iordanova S., Kolev S. Title: Gliding Arc/Glow Discharge for CO2 Conversion: The Role of Discharge Configuration and Gas Channel Thickness Keywords: atmospheric pressure discharges, CO2 conversion, gliding arc discharges, low-current arc discharges, magnetic stabilization, magnetically accelerated discharge, magnetically retarded dischargeAbstract: This work investigates CO2 conversion using atmospheric pressure low-current gliding discharges (GD). The following three modifications are studied: classic GD; magnetically accelerated GD (MAGD); and magnetically retarded GD (MRGD). In the latter two, permanent magnets produce a magnetic field that either accelerates or retards the discharge downstream. The gas flow is confined between quartz plates and the electrodes, with varying channel thicknesses. The magnetic configurations improve the performance compared to the classic GD, with up to 30% higher energy efficiency and up to a 50% higher conversion rate. The highest conversion rate is 11–12% with 10% energy efficiency, while the highest efficiency is 40% with 5% conversion, achieved with MRGD and MAGD at channel thicknesses of 2 mm and 3 mm. References - Friedlingstein P. O’Sullivan M. Jones M.W. Andrew R.M. Bakker D.C.E. Hauck J. Landschützer P. Le Quéré C. Luijkx I.T. Peters G.P. et al. Global Carbon Budget 2023 Earth Syst. Sci. Data 2023 15 5301 5369 10.5194/essd-15-5301-2023
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| Plasma, vol. 7, pp. 877-890, 2024, , |