Autors: Nikolova, B. M., Nikolov, G. T., Sirakov A.D.
Title: Cloud-Based System for Air Quality Monitoring
Keywords: air quality index, cloud-based system, digital sensors, internet of things, particulate matters sensors

Abstract: Air quality is fundamental to people's standard of living and health. In recent years, with the development of the Internet of Things concept and of the low cost sensors and microcontrollers, the development a lot of local stations for environmental monitoring has been made possible. This article presents an approach for the design and implementation of a system for monitoring temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity and particulate matter. If more remote sensors modules measuring fine dust particles are placed in different areas of the urban environment, it will be possible to identify the source of pollution.


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2024 33rd International Scientific Conference Electronics, ET 2024 - Proceedings, pp. 6, 2024, ,

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