Autors: Angelova, Y. S., Kuzmov, V. Y. Title: MAIN INDICATORS OF FINANCIAL STABILITY OF THE COMPANY Keywords: Financial stability; Economic indicators; Financial and Econ Abstract: The present paper examines the financial indicators used in the financial and economic analysis, showing the more significant and usable in economic analysis, because in the scientific literature these indicators are numerous in nature. An example of a real business organization is given for their application, and the relevant recommendations are also drawn. The necessary comments and conclusions are made by the authors, and a proposal for measuring deviations in the financial and economic analysis is also integrated. References
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Цитирания (Citation/s):
1. Mitev, V., Dynamic Determinated Factors Analysis of Labor Productivity in the Bulgarian Enery Subsector - 2024 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science
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