Autors: Zamanov R., Stoyanov K.A., Latev G., Marti J., Takey A., Elhosseiny E.G., Christova, M. D., Minev M., Vujčič V., Moyseev M., Marchev V. Title: LUMINOSITY CLASS OF THE SYMBIOTIC STARS 4U1954+319 AND ZZ CMi Keywords: Stars: binaries: symbiotic, Stars: individual: 4U1954+319, ZZAbstract: We performed optical photometry and spectral observations of the symbiotic stars 4U1954+319 and ZZ CMi. For 4U1954+319, using high-resolution spectra, we, measure the equivalent widths of diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) and estimate the interstellar reddening E(B–V) = 0.83±0.09. Using the GAIA distances and our photometry, we find: (1) the absolute V-band magnitude MV = ‒5.23 ± 0.08 of 4U1954+319 and that the mass donor is a supergiant of luminosity class Ib, and (2) MV = ‒0.27 ± 0.2 for ZZ CMi and that the mass donor is a giant of luminosity class III. References - Azzam, Y. A., Ali, G. B., Ismail, H. A., Haroon, A. and Selim, I. 2010, in Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, Vol. 20, Third UN/ESA/NASA Workshop on the International Heliophysical Year 2007 and Basic Space Science, 175–187
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| Serbian Astronomical Journal, pp. 41-46, 2024, Albania, |