Autors: Dimitrijević M.S., Christova, M. D., Sahal-Bréchot S.
Title: Data on Stark Broadening of N VI Spectral Lines
Keywords: atomic data, atomic processes, line profiles, N VI, proton–boron fusion, Stark broadening, stellar atmospheres

Abstract: Data on Stark broadening parameters, spectral line widths, and shifts for 15 multiplets of N VI, whose spectral lines are broadened by collisions with electrons, protons, alpha particles (He III) and B III, B IV, B V and B VI ions, are presented. They have been calculated using the semiclassical perturbation theory, for temperatures from 50,000 K to 2,000,000 K, and perturber densities from 1016 cm−3 up to 1024 cm−3. The data for e, p and He III are of particular interest for the analysis and modelling of atmospheres of hot and dense stars, as, e.g., white dwarfs, and for investigation of their spectra, and data for boron ions are used for analysis and modelling of laser-driven plasma in proton–boron fusion research. Dataset: The dataset is submitted as a Supplementary File. Dataset License: CC-BY 4.0.


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Data, vol. 9, 2024, Albania,

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