Autors: Dimitrijević M.S., Christova, M. D., Yubero C., Sahal-Bréchot S.
Title: Stark broadening of Sn II spectral lines
Keywords: Atomic data, Atomic processes, Spectral lines, Stark widths and shifts

Abstract: We used the semiclassical perturbation method for the calculation of Stark broadening parameters, full widths at half intensity maximum and shifts for 44 spectral lines of singly charged tin ion (Sn II), for collisions with electrons and protons. The obtained results have been compared with the existing experimental and theoretical results and used to demonstrate the influence of Stark broadening mechanism on spectral lines of Sn II in stellar atmospheres.


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Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 330, 2025, Albania,

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