Autors: Atanasov, V. C., Nikolov, N. N., Stoilov, D. G.
Title: On the Choice Between Composite and Glass Insulators for Overhead Distribution Power Lines in Bulgaria
Keywords: silicone insulators , glass insulators , distribution networ

Abstract: In modern distribution power lines in Bulgaria, various types of elements produced from lightweight composite materials with improved technical parameters are rapidly being introduced. Such elements include supporting and tension insulators for medium voltage, surge arresters, utility poles, and others. This article provides an analysis of the applicability of glass and composite insulators in distribution networks in our country. The advantages and disadvantages of these types of elements are presented in relation to the operating conditions and the climatic zone through which the power line passes. A technical and economic justification for the cost-effectiveness of the new components is provided, and a methodology is proposed to assist distribution companies in selecting the appropriate type of insulator.



    16th Electrical Engineering Faculty Conference (BulEF), 2024, Bulgaria, DOI 10.1109/BulEF63204.2024.10794956.

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