Autors: Grigorova, T. G., Vuchev A.
Title: A Study of the Influence of Phase-Shift Controlled LLC Converter Parameters on the Commutating Mechanisms in Continuous Conduction Mode
Keywords: LLC converter, phase-shift control

Abstract: This paper aims to examine the impact of the ratio between parallel and series inductances of the resonant tank and the ratio between the switching and resonant frequencies on the switching mechanisms that occur during the output voltage regulation in a resonant LLC DC/DC converter when applying the phase-shift control method. Continuous conduction mode is considered. Based on the presented graphical results, recommendations are made regarding the selection of the inductance ratio to ensure a wide operating range of the converter under zero-voltage switching conditions.


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  9. T. Grigorova and A. Vuchev, "A Study of a Phase-Shifted Full-Bridge LLC Resonant Converter Operating in Continuous Conduction Mode with ZVS," 2022 13th National Conference with International Participation (ELECTRONICA), Sofia, Bulgaria, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ELECTRONICA55578.2022.9874435.
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2024 33rd International Scientific Conference Electronics, ET 2024 - Proceedings, pp. 1-6, 2024, ,

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