Autors: Dimitrova K., Damyanov, I. S. Title: Height Influence on Thermal Infrared Imaging of Large Objects with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Keywords: Thermal infrared imaging, UAV altitudeAbstract: Thermal infrared imaging using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has become a vital tool for monitoring large objects with relatively constant temperatures. This study investigates how the height at which UAVs operate influences the thermal infrared measurements of such objects. Despite the objects maintaining a stable temperature, the results reveal significant variations in thermal readings at different altitudes. Analysis shows that these discrepancies are closely linked to specific components of the radiation transfer equation, particularly atmospheric attenuation, surface emissivity, and emission from atmospheric volume. Understanding these tendencies is crucial for optimizing UAV-based thermal imaging applications, ensuring accurate data collection, and improving the reliability of temperature assessments from varying heights. This research provides insights into the complex interaction between measurement altitude and thermal infrared imaging accuracy, offering guidance for future UAV thermal imaging missions. References - S. Stagakis et al., "Spatiotemporal monitoring of surface temperature in an urban area using UAV imaging and towermounted radiometer measurements," 2019 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), Vannes, France, 2019, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/JURSE.2019.8808958.
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| 2024 33rd International Scientific Conference Electronics, ET 2024 - Proceedings, 2024, , |