Autors: Terziev, A. K., Potashev A., Potasheva E., Khisameev I., Valeeva Y., Beloev H., Iliev I.
Title: Quasi-three-dimensional modeling as an effective tool for studying flows in turbomachines

Abstract: The development of software tools for calculating the flow of liquid and gas (the so-called computational fluid dynamics (CFD)) makes it possible to calculate the characteristics of the gas flow in areas with an increasingly complex configuration. In particular, the use of CFD tools is increasingly used to determine the flow parameters in the flow parts of turbomachines, such as fans, pumps, turbines, axial and centrifugal compressors. Despite the wide possibilities of these methods, they have the disadvantage of being very time consuming when creating a new flow path of turbomachines and selecting the blade geometry due to the need for numerous intermediate calculations. From this point of view, the use of faster programs based on approximate flow models in the flow parts of turbomachines is quite justified. It is their use that allows you to choose the geometry of the flow path and blades, as close as possible to the desired aerodynamic requirements. In this paper, using the example of calculating the gas flow through the flow path of a Ts4-70 centrifugal fan, the possibilities of such a model are demonstrated.


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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 1380, 2024, ,

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