Autors: Atanasov, I. I., Pencheva E., Trifonov V.
Title: Microservices for Cloudification and Orchestration of Railway Operations
Keywords: cloud computing, management and orchestration, microservices, Railways

Abstract: Cloudification and virtualization of railway operations and management have a great potential to optimize its performance and to improve reliability, safety, and security of railway services. In authors’ previous research, an intelligent railway control system architecture is proposed which features distributed intelligence and benefits from cloudified services. The main architectural components of the proposed architecture include Railway Management Automation and Orchestration platform, Intelligent Railway Controller, and Railway cloud. In this paper, the focus is on the management and orchestration functions of the Railway cloud. The paper main points include identification of the requirements to the railway cloud management and orchestration, synthesis of orchestration functionality as microservices by identification of service resources, and modeling the microservice and orchestration application logic. In contrast to any proprietary solutions in the highly competitive market, the approach is based on open interfaces to orchestrate railway cloud services, that could be improved over time and tailored to specific needs.


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Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 2192 CCIS, pp. 185-196, 2025, ,

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