Autors: Neshov, N. N., Tonchev K., Manolova, A. H., Poulkov, V. K., Balabanov, G. R.
Title: Feature-level Fusion vs. Score-level Fusion for Image Retrieval Based on Pre-trained Deep Neural Networks
Keywords: Content-based image retrieval system (CBIR), deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs), early fusion, GoogLeNet, InceptionV3, late fusion, ResNet152

Abstract: Today’s complex multimedia content made retrieving images similar to the user’s query from the database a challenging task. The performance of a Content-Based Image Retrieval System (CBIR) system highly depends on the image representation in a form of low-level features and similarity measurement. The traditional visual descriptors that do not provide good prior domain knowledge could lead to poor performance retrieval results. On the other hand, Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs) have recently achieved a remarkable success as methods for image classification in various domains. Recently, pre-trained deep convolution neural networks on thousands of classes have the ability to extract very accurate and representative features which, in addition to classification, can also be successfully used in image retrieval systems. ResNet152, GoogLeNet and InceptionV3 are some of the effective and successful examples of pre-trained DCNNs recently applied in a computer vision tasks such as object recognition, clustering, and classification. In this paper, two approaches for a CBIR system, namely early fusion and late fusion, have been presented and compared. The early fusion utilizes concatenation of the features extracted by each possible pair of DCNNs, that is ResNet152-GoogLeNet, ResNet152-InceptionV3, and GoogLeNet-InceptionV3, and the late fusion apply CombSum method with Z-Score standardization to combine the score results provided by each DCNN of the aforementioned pairs. In the experiments on a popular WANG dataset it has been shown that late fusion approach slightly outperforms early fusion approach. The best performance of our experiments in terms of Average Precision (AP) for the top 20 results reaches 96.82%.


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Journal of Mobile Multimedia, vol. 20, pp. 769-784, 2024, ,

Copyright River Publishers

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