Autors: Khatib M. E., Ali S. A., Alharam I., Alhajeri A., Peneva, G. P., Angelova, J. S., Shanaa M. Title: Drafting a Digital Transformation Strategy for Project Management Sector – Empirical Study on UAE Keywords: Project Mgt., Digital Transformation, AI, Machine learning Abstract: It is without a doubt that the impact of digital transformation and disruptive technologies has impacted all industries globally. There is hardly any sector that is left untouched by this form of innovation. This is also true for the power sector, which is the industry targeted for this study. The power sector is crucial for human existence, and hence, it is the use of different kinds of technology that must be employed at the helm of its operations. These different kinds of technology are related to AI, Robotics, IoT, and Big Data. The major intention behind these technologies should be to pace up different projects managed in the industry. Therefore, the company selected for this project is Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA). It is a company that is involved with various technological projects ranging from smart grids to digital meters to managing customer data. References Issue
Цитирания (Citation/s):
1. Христова, З. (2023). Емпирично изследване на микро-, малките и средни предприятия в България, въвели лийн инструменти. XXI Международна научна конференция „Мениджмънт и инженеринг‘23“, Созопол, ISSN 1310-3946, pp. 144-147 - 2023 - в български издания
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