Autors: Ilieva, R. Y., Goleshevska, V.L.
Title: A Conceptual Agenda for Agile Management
Keywords: agile management; agile actuators; agile enablers; agile cap

Abstract: The main purpose of the paper is to identify: firstly, the main shortages in the companies in their agile management and secondly, the key marketing and management competencies needed for its transference. The research is conducted through elaborate overview analysis of the achievements in this agile area. On the bases of the analysis suggestions for improvements are proposed: on the one hand, in the development of a conceptual agenda for agile management and on the other hand, application actions of Bulgarian companies in order to approbate it for agility evaluation of managerial abilities.


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Ensuring Sustainable Development in the Period After the Financial Crisis, KSI Transactions on Knowledge society, vol. 7, issue 3, pp. 36-39, 2014, Bulgaria, ISBN ISSN 1313-4787

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