Autors: Hrischev, R. N., Shakev, N. G. Title: Using of Digital Twin Technology on the Stages of Implementation of ERP Systems Keywords: Digital Twin, ERP systems, Industry 4.0, modeling and simulation tools, software modelAbstract: The globalization is challenging for the business and the companies must adapt quickly to changing market conditions, customer demands, rising resource costs and political uncertainties using new effective management systems, based on the digitalization of the economy in all its aspects. The concept Digital Twin appeared and in recent years, Digital Twin has evolved from an outcome to a driver of Industry 4.0. This paper discusses the conceptual framework and potential applications of advanced software tools for modeling and simulation as base of Digital Twin of business process and manufacturing systems. The relationship between the application of Digital Twin technology and modern Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in the phases of deployment is presented. References - R. Sacks, I. Brilakis, E. Pikas, H. Xie & M. Girolami, Construction with Digital Twin information systems. Data-Centric Engineering, 1, E14, 2020, DOI: 10. 1017/dce. 2020. 16.
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