Autors: PleshkovaBekyarska, S. G., Hristov V. Title: MEMS Microphone Arrays Structures in Sound Source Localization Keywords: MEMS microphones; microphone arrays; sound source localizati Abstract: The main characteristics of microphone arrays, usually applied in sound source localization, greatly depend from their structures. Some possible structures of arrangement of the microphones in the arrays are: linear, triangular, circular, spherical, etc. The choice of using each of these structures depend from constructive parameters (size, dimension, etc.) and from concrete application (for example in mobile robots sound localization systems). The relative new MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) technology sets some specific requirements related to their little size, digital sound output interface, phase diagram, etc. Therefore, the main goal of this article is to describe and use the already developed microphone array module with MEMS microphones, to propose different structures of MEMS microphone arrays and to test the precision of each of the proposed MEMS microphone array structures in dependence of their electrical and constructive characteristics, important for determinat References
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