Autors: Petkova, R. R., Bozhilov I., Manolova, A. H., Tonchev K., Poulkov, V. K. Title: On the Way to Holographic-Type Communications: Perspectives and Enabling Technologies Keywords: 5G, 6G, AI, communication network, HTC, KPIs, user siteAbstract: Holographic-type communication (HTC) is on the verge of revolutionizing current communication paradigms. It will seamlessly connect people from distant locations through a fully immersive experience that will engage all five senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. However, the practical realization and widespread adoption of HTC impose significant demands on current networks and end-user devices. While recent studies have primarily focused on discussing the HTC challenges and potential research directions, this paper takes a further step by evaluating the capabilities of wireless networks to meet HTC requirements. Specifically, it highlights the limitations of the fifth-generation (5G) networks by identifying HTC-related Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and explores the potential of the sixth-generation (6G) networks. Moreover, it not only proposes potential research approaches for HTC enhancement but also analyzes their impact on the challenges in HTC implementation. Finally, the paper questions the ubiquitous potential of 6G, suggesting that a coordinated approach leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) for jointly optimizing user sites and communication networks is the most promising strategy, rather than solely relying on the capabilities of specific network generations. References - Y. Wang, Z. Su, N. Zhang, R. Xing, D. Liu, T. H. Luan, and X. Shen, "A survey on metaverse: Fundamentals, security, and privacy," IEEE Commun. Surveys Tuts., vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 319-352, 1st Quart., 2023.
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| IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 59236-59259, 2024, , |
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