Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Тодоров, Д. Г., Петър Георгиев Георгиев., Ивайло Цанков Живков., Martin Vala., Martin Weiter., Йорданов, Р. С.
Заглавие: Wide Range Current Amplifier with Data Acquisition System
Ключови думи: Wide Range Current Measurement, Data Acquisition and Control

Абстракт: Wide Range Current Amplifier (WRCA) width DAQ system is constructed and tested. The device consists of I-V converter, 24 bit Σ-Δ ADC, microcontroller (μC), personal computer (PC), feedback loop control and galvanic insulation units. Communication between the ADC, μC and the PC computer is realized over SPI and USB interface, respectively. The data acquisition, control and processing are implemented on originally developed GUI software based on the Qt4 platform under the MSWindows operating system. The device test was carried out by measurement of current-voltage (I-V) characteristics on test resistors in comparison with measurements, performed on commercial picoamperemeter Keithley 6487. In general the measurements followed a linear dependence which corresponds to the resistor behavior of the samples under study. A quantitative comparison between the constructed WRCA and the standard K6487 devices was carried out performing a linear regression analysis of the data measured.



    ANNUAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS, 2014, том 1, стр. стр. 185-188, 2014, България, Созопол, ISSN 1314-0078

    Пълен текст на публикацията

    Autors: Todorov, D. G., Petar Georgiev Georgiev., Ivaylo Tzankov Zhivkov., Martin Vala., Martin Weiter., Yordanov, R. S.
    Title: Wide Range Current Amplifier with Data Acquisition System
    Keywords: Wide Range Current Measurement, Data Acquisition and Control

    Abstract: Wide Range Current Amplifier (WRCA) width DAQ system is constructed and tested. The device consists of I-V converter, 24 bit Σ-Δ ADC, microcontroller (μC), personal computer (PC), feedback loop control and galvanic insulation units. Communication between the ADC, μC and the PC computer is realized over SPI and USB interface, respectively. The data acquisition, control and processing are implemented on originally developed GUI software based on the Qt4 platform under the MSWindows operating system. The device test was carried out by measurement of current-voltage (I-V) characteristics on test resistors in comparison with measurements, performed on commercial picoamperemeter Keithley 6487. In general the measurements followed a linear dependence which corresponds to the resistor behavior of the samples under study. A quantitative comparison between the constructed WRCA and the standard K6487 devices was carried out performing a linear regression analysis of the data measured.



      ANNUAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS, 2014, vol. 1, pp. 185-188, 2014, Bulgaria, Sozopol, ISSN 1314-0078

      Full text of the publication

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