Autors: Rizanov, S. M., Yakimov, P. I.
Title: Internet of things infrared imaging device for assessing lameness in racehorses
Keywords: bio-monitoring, inflammation, infrared thermography, internet of things, lameness, measurement, racehorses

Abstract: Lameness is a clinical condition that heavily affects racehorses. As a result, their competitive performance is dramatically deteriorated and side effects such as changes in feeding patterns may manifest. Within this work we have presented a developed portable Internet of Things (IoT) infrared imaging device, whose application is aimed towards on-site farm level detection of lameness in equine. Additionally we have presented an in-debt review of the causes of lameness, the underlying biological changes that it induces, its influence over tissue thermal patterns and how exercise affects a racehorse's temperature profile.


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Acta IMEKO, vol. 13, 2024, ,

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