Autors: Tsolov S., Dimitrova, R. K., Nikolov, S. N.
Title: Problems in Designing Robots with Parallel Kinematics †
Keywords: design, problems, robot with parallel kinematics

Abstract: In this article, the problems arising in the design of robots with parallel kinematics are defined. An analysis of the causes of these problems was made. Methods for solving the defined problems applied in modern robots with parallel kinematics are indicated. This article summarizes and presents all these problems and analyzes each of them, with the goal of serving as an initial guide for engineers in designing new cost-effective parallel robots that meet the needs of discrete manufacturing. There are many scientific works on this topic, but they are focused only on a specific problem, presenting a method for its solution. In most cases, these methods are not generalized and only apply to a specific type of construction. Therefore, when designing, engineers must study all these methods and carefully select the appropriate ones that give maximum performance, a process that is significantly time-consuming. That is why this article can help the design process by giving an initial view of all possible problems, and for some of them, specific solutions from different authors and companies are presented. Thus, the design time for engineers who have not encountered the features of parallel robots can be drastically reduced, something that is of great importance for today’s automation.


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Engineering Proceedings, vol. 70, 2024, ,

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