Autors: Iontchev E., Miletiev, R. G., Damyanov, I. S.
Title: Precise Course and Relative Object Position Calculation Based on RTK Technology
Keywords: GNSS, navigation receiver, RTK

Abstract: The paper represents the accuracy and precision determination of the vehicle position and orientation using the RTK method. The baseline between the two navigation receivers is limited to 100 meters, which is determined by the characteristics of Wi-Fi connection between the receivers. The position of the mobile navigation receiver is relative to the coordinates of the fixed base receiver. The length of the baseline between the receivers, its orientation in the local NED coordinate system, as well as its orientation relative to the North Pole are calculated by the basic software of the navigation receivers. The baseline course and slope are calculated and compared to corresponding ones, which are received from the message. The received messages from the navigation receiver are transmitted via an interface to the u-center environment. It allows recording the messages during the experiment and processed them further in the MATLAB environment to calculate the accuracy and precision of the vehicle's relative position and orientation.


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2024 59th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, ICEST 2024 - Proceedings, 2024, ,

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