Autors: Krystev, N. Y., Petrov, I. A.
Title: Influence of heat flux density on combustion efficiency in the initial torch section
Keywords: Harmful emissions, combustion processes, gaseous fuel, heat

Abstract: Proper understanding of combustion and heat transfer in combustion devices, and clarification of combustion and thermal efficiency, requires accurate measurement of heat flux density. In the present work, the influence of heat flux density on the combustion process in the initial section of the flare, under separate fuel and oxidant feed in the injected swirl conditions, is investigated using computer simulation. The possibility of determining the basic parameters of the combustion process and its control is shown. Basic characteristics of the heat transfer between the burning flare and the boundary surfaces of the combustion chamber are investigated, including heat transfer by both radiation and convection. The effect of changing the heat flux density through the cylindrical surface of the combustion chamber is analysed for four cases - under adiabatic conditions and in the presence of heat transfer, using Ansys/CFX software.



    Proceedings of the Technical University of Sofia, vol. 74, issue 3, 2024, Bulgaria, ISSN: 2738-8549, 2738-8530; DOI:

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