Autors: Hristov, V. D.
Title: Electric DC Drive System Allow Two Direction Energy Exchange
Keywords: dc motor, energy return, four quadrant control, thyristor invertor

Abstract: This article presents a direct current electric drive system intended for scientific research on quadrilateral electric drives, allowing also to return energy to the supply network. The system has two DC servomotors of the same type coupled together and allows when one is in motor mode, the other one plays the role of load mode. The motors are controlled by means of modern thyristor drives, allowing energy return. The system is intended for the study of lifting mechanisms, so as to examine their effectiveness for implementation in warehouses. The currents of the two motors were research while ensuring an optimal setting of the parameters and guidelines for their setting were provided.


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2024 59th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, ICEST 2024 - Proceedings, 2024, ,

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