Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Димов, Д. С., Танева Н.
Ключови думи: small and medium enterprises (SMEs), innovation, factors, in

Абстракт: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are a very important economic sector in many countries and the impact of innovation in their business is growing. There are different factors that affect the ability of businesses to create new knowledge and to form and implement new ideas. Some of them enhance innovation in enterprises, others are preventing it. Therefore, it is necessary to know the factors that contribute to the development of innovation and competitiveness. The determination of these factors is ambiguous and depends on the object of activity and the category of the enterprise. Innovation in the enterprise is determined on the corporate micro and macro environment and the knowledge and skills of the entrepreneur.


  1. 1. INOVATSII BG 2013, Fondatsiya „Prilozhni izsledvaniya i komunikatsii“, S., 2013
  2. TANEVA, N., Inovatsionen menidzhm"nt, Izd. King, S., 2011
  3. DIMOV, D., Competencies of the Personnel in High-Tech Enterprises, 10th International Congress Machines, Technologies, Materials, Varna, Bulgaria, 2013


XII МНК Мениджмънт и инженеринг '14, 2014, България, Созопол

Пълен текст на публикацията

Autors: Dimov, D. S., Taneva N.
Keywords: small and medium enterprises (SMEs), innovation, factors, innovation activity

Abstract: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are a very important economic sector in many countries and the impact of innovation in their business is growing. There are different factors that affect the ability of businesses to create new knowledge and to form and implement new ideas. Some of them enhance innovation in enterprises, others are preventing it. Therefore, it is necessary to know the factors that contribute to the development of innovation and competitiveness. The determination of these factors is ambiguous and depends on the object of activity and the category of the enterprise. Innovation in the enterprise is determined on the corporate micro and macro environment and the knowledge and skills of the entrepreneur.


  1. 1. INOVATSII BG 2013, Fondatsiya „Prilozhni izsledvaniya i komunikatsii“, S., 2013
  2. TANEVA, N., Inovatsionen menidzhm"nt, Izd. King, S., 2011
  3. DIMOV, D., Competencies of the Personnel in High-Tech Enterprises, 10th International Congress Machines, Technologies, Materials, Varna, Bulgaria, 2013


Management and Enginnering' 14, 2014, Bulgaria, Sozopol

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