Autors: Ivanova, M. S.
Title: Recognition of Hand-Drawn Designs of Electronic Analog Circuits
Keywords: automation, computer vision, YOLOv8, electronic analog circuit, hand-drawn design, object recognition

Abstract: The process of designing electronic circuits is supported by graphic editors in specialized CAD tools. Although this software is characterized by rich functionality, it can be enriched with the ability to recognize hand-drawn electronic circuits. In this way, an electronic circuit design idea drawn by hand will be converted into the corresponding schematic solution in CAD software. This will contribute to speeding up the design process and significantly reduce the efforts of the designer, who will not need to draw the electronic circuit twice - once on paper and then in the CAD software editor. The paper presents an analysis aimed at recognizing hand-drawn electronic analog circuits using the YOLOv8 object recognition algorithm. An image dataset of hand-drawn schematics is created. The accuracy of the model is evaluated and a high recognition rate of the circuit elements is obtained as a result.


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2024 9th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies, SpliTech 2024, pp. 1-5, 2024, ,

Copyright Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

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