Autors: Botev, M. K., Stoilov, D. G., Atanasov, V. C., Altaparmakov, I. L.
Title: Use of Energy Storage Systems in Electrical Distribution Networks - Review
Keywords: energy storage, power distribution networks., batteries

Abstract: Globally, in recent years, there has been considerable research and development for the design, manufacturing, and large-scale implementation of renewable energy sources (RES). This is in response to the alarming pollution of the environment - water, air, and soil, as a result of overusing traditional technologies for the production of electrical energy. Since RES are intermittent and their output is variable, it is necessary to use storage systems to harmonize/balance their participation in the electrical energy grid. This article presents a literature review of the main types of electrical energy storage devices and their application in power distribution networks.



    2024 23rd International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies (SIELA), 2024, Bulgaria,

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