Autors: Malchev, G. S., R. I. Vassileva.
Title: Didactic Model for the Development of Students’ Cognitive Skills in Studying of Electromagnetic Phenomena
Keywords: physics education, cognitive skills, electromagnetism

Abstract: The paper views opportunities for the development of some cognitive skills of students in the 9th grade while studying electromagnetism in their mandatory training in physics. It presents an author’s didactic model based on four pedagogical approaches – activity-oriented, intrapersonal, interactive and interdisciplinary. The correlation between them finds expression in a particularly developed methodological system. Technologically the model is implemented by using the information-communicative technologies (ICT), the academic essay, the project method and the portfolio technology. The point is for the teacher to contribute the best way possible to the creation of active educational environment by applying various methodological combinations and carefully chosen cognitive assignments. Such active educational environment stimulates students to research, analyze, summarize and be creative in their physics classes.



    Knowledge – International Journal Scientific Papers, vol. 14.3, pp. 971-975, 2016, Macedonia, Institute of Knowledge Management, ISSN 1857-92

    Full text of the publication

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