Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Димова, Г. Т.
Заглавие: Knowledge Management Aspects in Nuclear Energy
Ключови думи: nuclear power plant, nuclear knowledge, ageing management

Абстракт: Nuclear knowledge is a fundamental national resource. It is known that knowledge is divided into manifest and implicit. Explicit knowledge is described in the current documents, and implicit knowledge is all important practical, logical, causal knowledge of the operation, maintenance and repair of NPP. They are invaluable because they provide secure and trouble-free operation of the plant and economic prosperity. The bearer of this implicit knowledge are the people – the staff in the NPP. Good practices suggest that this knowledge is extracted, classified, stored and passed on to future generations of еnergizers. To lose the link between the accumulated own operating experience and the training of young staff means that there is no safe and secure operation of the NPP. This paper discusses the systematic approach to knowledge management in nuclear energy and specifically its application to knowledge about ageing equipment in the NPP. Criteria for key competencies in the field of agein.



    BGNS TRANSACTIONS, София,Българско ядрено дружество, том 26, брой 1, стр. стр. 71-77, 2024, България, София, ISBN ISSN: 2603-5480 (online) ISSN: 2603-5553 (print)

    Издателските права се държат от BGNSTransactions, София: Българско ядрено дружество

    Пълен текст на публикацията

    Autors: Dimova, G. T.
    Title: Knowledge Management Aspects in Nuclear Energy
    Keywords: nuclear power plant, nuclear knowledge, ageing management

    Abstract: Nuclear knowledge is a fundamental national resource. It is known that knowledge is divided into manifest and implicit. Explicit knowledge is described in the current documents, and implicit knowledge is all important practical, logical, causal knowledge of the operation, maintenance and repair of NPP. They are invaluable because they provide secure and trouble-free operation of the plant and economic prosperity. The bearer of this implicit knowledge are the people – the staff in the NPP. Good practices suggest that this knowledge is extracted, classified, stored and passed on to future generations of еnergizers. To lose the link between the accumulated own operating experience and the training of young staff means that there is no safe and secure operation of the NPP. This paper discusses the systematic approach to knowledge management in nuclear energy and specifically its application to knowledge about ageing equipment in the NPP. Criteria for key competencies in the field of agein.



      BGNS Transactions, Sofia, Bulgarian Nuclear Society, vol. 26, issue 1, pp. 71-77, 2024, Bulgaria, Sofia, ISBN ISSN: 2603-5480 (online) ISSN: 2603-5553 (print)

      Copyright BGNSTransactions, София: Българско ядрено дружество

      Full text of the publication

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