Autors: Nakov, G. N., Temkov M., Lazova-Borisova I., Lukinac J.
Title: roperties of flour obtained from malted grains – Review
Keywords: germination, grains, malt flours, functional products

Abstract: Germination as part of the malting process produces malt flour, which can be obtained from various grains (e.g., barley, sorghum, wheat, and rye). Malting is a technological process that involves several operations: steeping, germination, kilning, and cleaning, resulting in malt as the final product, which is usually used for brewing. Further milling of the malted grain produces malt flour, which is often used as an additive to wheat flour to enrich it and obtain better technological properties in the production of bread and bakery products. Information on malt flour with high enzyme content can be found in the literature. However, the literature lacks data on the general changes during germination in the malting process, affecting both carbohydrates and protein complexes. This review aims to present the changes in grains during the germination process and to use malt flour for the production of new functional products



    , vol. 5, issue 9-10, pp. 48-52, 2022, Macedonia, Journal of Food Technology and Nutrition

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