Autors: Rrustemi P., Stamatovska V., Nakov, G. N., Jukić M., Pavlovska G., Jankuloska V.
Title: Pumpkin and flax by-products - ingredients for better sensory characteristics of cookies
Keywords: By-products, Cookies, Flax, Pumping.

Abstract: Animal feed is the primary application for waste generated by the cold oil industry. However, this by-product is also a valuable source of proteins, fats, dietary fiber, polyphenols, and antioxidant activity, making it an attractive functional ingredient for the development of healthy food products. Sensory acceptability is a crucial factor to consider when creating new food items. The objective of this paper is to incorporate by-products from the cold pressing of pumpkin and flax oils into cookies production and assess their sensory acceptability. The official American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC) 10-50D method was employed to produce the cookies. In addition to the control cookies (made with 100% wheat flour), variations were also prepared by replacing 30% and 60% of wheat flour with flour derived from pumpkin and flax by-products. To evaluate the sensory characteristics of the cookies, 19 semi-trained panelists conducted a sensory analysis in Veles (Macedonia) and Pristina



    , vol. 47, pp. 25-30, 2024, Macedonia, Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design

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