Autors: Neshov, N. N., Christoff, N. V., Sechkova T., Tonchev K., Manolova, A. H.
Title: SlowR50-SA: A Self-Attention Enhanced Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition Model for Tactile Internet Applications
Keywords: deep learning, DFEW, emotion recognition, facial expression, FERV39K, self-attention, SlowFast networks, SlowR50, Tactile Internet

Abstract: Emotion recognition from facial expressions is a challenging task due to the subtle and nuanced nature of facial expressions. Within the framework of Tactile Internet (TI), the integration of this technology has the capacity to completely transform real-time user interactions, by delivering customized emotional input. The influence of this technology is far-reaching, as it may be used in immersive virtual reality interactions and remote tele-care applications to identify emotional states in patients. In this paper, a novel emotion recognition algorithm is presented that integrates a Self-Attention (SA) module into the SlowR50 backbone (SlowR50-SA). The experiments on the DFEW and FERV39K datasets demonstrate that the proposed model achieves good performance in terms of both Unweighted Average Recall (UAR) and Weighted Average Recall (WAR) metrics, achieving a UAR (WAR) of 57.09% (69.87%) on the DFEW dataset, and UAR (WAR) of 39.48% (49.34%) on the FERV39K dataset. Notably, SlowR50-SA operates with only eight frames of input at low temporal resolution, highlighting its efficiency. Furthermore, the algorithm has the potential to be integrated into Tactile Internet applications, where it can be used to enhance the user experience by providing real-time emotion feedback. SlowR50-SA can also be used to enhance virtual reality experiences by providing personalized haptic feedback based on the user’s emotional state. It can also be used in remote tele-care applications to detect signs of stress, anxiety, or depression in patients.


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