Autors: Stefanov, I. Ж.
Title: Chi-square test of the relativistic precession model through the neutron star IGR J17511-3057
Keywords: accretion disk, IGR J17511-3057, Millisecond accretion pulsar, pulsars, quasi-periodic oscillations, X-ray timing

Abstract: The aim of the current paper is to apply Bambi’s method (Bambi, 2015) to a source which contains two or more simultaneous triads of variability components. The joint χ2 variable that can be composed in this case, unlike some previous studies, allows the goodness of the fit to be tested. It appears that a good fit requires one of the observation groups to be disregarded. Even then, the model’s prediction for the mass of the neutron star in the accreting millisecond pulsar IGR J17511-3057 is way too high to be accepted.


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Bulgarian Astronomical Journal, vol. 40, 2024, , ISBN 13145592 13132709

Copyright Institute of Astronomy and NAO, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

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