Autors: Ambarev, K. M., Nikolov, V. N., Taneva, S. P.
Title: System for experimental determination of natural frequencies of automotive parts

Abstract: When the car is in motion, all of its parts are subjected to dynamic impacts generating various vibrations. Natural frequencies and mode shapes are the two main parameters of free vibrations. Determining the natural frequencies of automotive parts is the basis for solving a number of problems related to both vibration and protection from them, as well as their applications for performing other analyses. For the experimental determination of the natural frequencies, a measuring system consisting of a hardware and a software part was developed. LabVIEW and MATLAB software were used in the development of the system. The natural frequencies of two front control arms from independent suspensions of different cars were experimentally determined. Modeling and numerical study of the two control arms was also carried out with SolidWorks software using FEA. The experimental and simulation results are compared and analyzed.


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AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 3078, 2024, ,

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