Autors: Nikolov, N. D., Tsonev, V. C.
Title: Shear Modulus Determination of S235JRC Cold Drawn Steel by Tension and Torsion Tests

Abstract: Elasticity modulus, Poisson’s ratio and shear modulus are important material constants needed in structural analysis to calculate stresses and strains. The first two of them are determined by a relatively affordable tensile test, and the third by a torsion test, which is less common in testing laboratories. There is a mathematical relationship between the three material constants, so only two of them are independent. This allows one of the three constants to be calculated if the other two are known thus saving some experimental work. Or, if all three constants are determined by experiment, to check the accuracy of the results obtained. In this paper, the most used methods and approaches of these material constants determination are presented and analyzed. Tension and torsion tests were carried out on S235JRC cold-drawn steel rods, with diameter of 6 mm.


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AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 3064, 2024, ,

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