Autors: Tzanova, A. I., Kaloyanov N., Ruskova, K. G., Zahariev, A. S.
Keywords: anaerobic fermentation, Bi(III) complex, biogas, cow manure, methane

Abstract: All Rights Reserved.The present study examines the process of biomethanization of cow manure in an anaerobic environment, in the presence of small amounts of Bi(III) complex of sulfamic acid. Since this complex has good antimicrobial activity, the purpose of adding the complex is to determine its effect on biogas and methane production. The reference samples (cow manure only) and mixtures of cow manure + 10 mg and cow manure + 20 mg of bismuth complex with a composition [Bi6O4(OH)4](NH2SO3)6 are subjected to biodegradation under the following conditions – duration of 33 days, nitrogen atmosphere and temperature of 34.5 ± 1°C. During the process, the volume of biogas and the percentage content of methane in biogas are measured in 2 - 3 days as well. The analyses performed reveal that until the 10th day, the amount of biogas produced increases constantly and is comparable both for the control samples and for the mixtures. Further, until the end of the experiment, a significant and constant increase in the volume of biogas produced by the mixtures is observed compared to the control samples. Regarding the percentage of methane produced by the reference samples and the mixtures, comparable relative amounts are found by the 7th day. From the 8th day to the 33rd day, the percentage of methane released by the mixtures is visibly greater than that by the reference samples.


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Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, vol. 59, pp. 633-638, 2024, ,

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