Autors: Popov, S. A., Hinov, N. L.
Title: Python Based Electrical Engineering Training for Computer Engineers
Keywords: electrical circuits; electrical engineering education; LT

Abstract: The manuscript presents the capabilities of Python for solving tasks from the electrical engineering course. In this way, it becomes possible for computer science students to use programming abstractions and models in their electrical engineering education. This is useful in view of the increasing problems related to the acquisition of the basic material in electrical engineering related to conducting DC, AC analysis of various electric circuits. The proposed learning approach is illustrated with several examples related to the study of transient and established modes in various electric circuits, which are studied in electrical engineering by the students at the Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria.



    2023 11th International Scientific Conference on Computer Science, COMSCI 2023, 2023, Bulgaria, IEEE, DOI 10.1109/COMSCI59259.2023.1031590

    Copyright IEEE

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