Autors: Hinov, N. L., Gilev B. N.
Title: Design Consideration of ZVS Single-Ended Parallel Resonant DC-DC Converter, Based on Application of Optimization Techniques
Keywords: design consideration; model-based design; optimization

Abstract: The paper presents the design of a single-ended transistor zero-voltage switch (ZVS) parallel resonant DC-DC converter. Due to the use of a resonant inverter in the structure of the DC-DC converter, it is characterized by high efficiency and improved performance. On the other hand, due to the specifics of the power circuit operation, in the work, it is proposed to find the values of some of the elements of the circuit of the electronic converter to be carried out based on the application of optimization. To solve this task, various tools available in Matlab/Simulink have been applied, as well as author’s programs specially developed for the purpose. The use of a hybrid method for the design of power electronic converters, which combines analytical and optimization approaches, is justified in cases where there is no adequate design procedure. With the increase in the complexity of the power topologies and their possible modes of operation.



    Energies, vol. 16, issue 14, 2023, Switzerland, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, DOI 10.3390/en16145295

    Copyright MDPI AG

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