Autors: Zakharov, I. P., Diakov, D. I., Botsiura Olesia, OB., Zadorozhna, IZ., Semenikhin, VS., Grokhova , GG.
Title: Measuring Instruments Calibration: Advanced Realisation of Key Elements
Keywords: calibration, methods and models, measurement uncertainty, ku

Abstract: The main elements of measuring instruments calibration are described. The basic models of calibration of indicating measuring instruments and material measures, and the corresponding procedures for measurement uncertainty evaluating based on the kurtosis method are presented. Methods for validating calibration procedures for various types of measuring instruments are proposed. A technique for assessing the compliance of a calibrated measuring instruments with the given metrological characteristics is considered.



    33rd International Scientific Symposium Metrology and Metrology Assurance, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 1, 2023, Bulgaria, IEEE, DOI 10.1109/MMA59144.2023.10317918

    Copyright MMA 2023

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