Autors: Hinov, N. L.
Title: An Innovative Design Approach for Resonant DC/AC Converters, Based on Symmetry in Their Operating Modes
Keywords: application; design methodology; operating mode;

Abstract: The manuscript presents an innovative approach for the engineering design of resonant DC/AC converters used as sources of high-frequency electricity for a variety of needs: industrial and domestic applications, wireless power transmission, high-performance lighting, and more. The methodology is based on the generalized consideration of electromagnetic processes in a series resonant RLC circuit fed by a square-wave voltage source. Due to the symmetry in the form of the current in the AC circuit of the DC/AC converter, it is possible to generalize all their possible operating modes. This was realized by applying the quasi-boundary method to the analysis of resonant DC/AC converters with and without reverse diodes operating in soft and hard switching modes. On this basis, the transfer functions of the devices, which give the relationship between their output and input voltages, are defined and analytically determined.



    Symmetry, vol. 15, issue 10, 2023, Switzerland, MDPI, DOI 10.3390/sym15101864

    Copyright MDPI

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