Autors: G, T. B., Valeva K., Nikolova-Alexieva V. Title: Development of Digital Business Ecosystems through Digital Transformation of Industrial Enterprises Keywords: digital transformation, digital business ecosystems Abstract: Platformization is one of the engines for the development of the digital economy. Over the past decade, a number of digital platforms have emerged around the world, using data-driven business models and destroying existing industries after them. Digital platforms provide the mechanisms for bringing together multiple participants for online interaction. The platforms facilitate transactions and networking, as well as the exchange of information. From a business perspective, the transformation of all sectors and markets through digitalisation can encourage the production of higher quality goods and services at lower costs. In addition, digitalization transforms value chains in different ways and opens up new channels for adding value and broader structural change. The report aims to clarify the differences in the meaning of the terms digitization, digitalization, digital transformation and digital business ecosystems and to explore the degree of digitalization of industrial enterprises References Issue
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