Autors: Ivanov, G. I., Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. Y.
Title: Superconducting HTS-2G Hybrid Magnetic Mutual Induction System in Liquid Nitrogen
Keywords: HTS-2G coils, mutual induction HTS, HTS inductive system, li

Abstract: This paper presents two prototypes and experimental results of a superconducting HTS-2G hybrid magnetic mutual induction system in liquid nitrogen. Experimental setup consists of two flat spiral HTS-2G coils submerged in liquid nitrogen. Investigated prototypes are created by using 3D printed liquid nitrogen tanks, coil skeletons, spacers and coil supports. All coils are made of HTS-2G flat wires with liquid nitrogen transition point at Tc=77 K. For each prototype no load and load characteristics are measured. Results for coupling coefficients are obtained for each hybrid inductive system.



    15th Electrical Engineering Faculty Conference (BulEF), 2023, Bulgaria, IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/BulEF59783.2023.10406281

    Copyright IEEE

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