Autors: Ibro, M. K., Marinova, G. I.
Title: FPGA Power Consumption Optimization Methods Analysis
Keywords: FPGA, power consumption methods, VHDL design, analysis

Abstract: This paper aims to provide an analysis and study of power consumption methods in FPGAs. Power consumption is important when designing energy-efficient, reliable, and cost-effective digital systems. As FPGAs are being used in applications in a wide range of industries, understanding and implementing power-efficient design strategies become increasingly important. For this purpose, we have used different VHDL designs, and the power optimization methods are implemented in Vivado. The VHDL designs tested, combinational and sequential, are different in components and complexity to analyze the impact of power optimization tools. This paper shows that for different implementations it is necessary to choose the appropriate power-optimizing method.



    2023 IEEE 14th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTROMECHANICAL AND ENERGY SYSTEMS SIELMEN’2023, pp. 1-4, 2023, Romania, IEEE Xplore, DOI: 10.1109/SIELMEN59038.2023.10290793

    Copyright IEEE

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