Autors: Petrov, D. G.
Title: Motion simulation of an overrunning clutch using CAD modeling
Keywords: overrunning clutch, CAD modeling

Abstract: The article reveals the good opportunities to study the behavior of the overrunning clutch by simulating its movement using CAD modeling. An example is given with a friction overrunning roller clutch, for which a CAD model is created and, using the simulator built into the CAD program, its movement is modeled and visualized, and then diagrams of various kinematic and dynamic quantities are presented as a function of the time.



    11th International Scientific Conference “TECHSYS 2022” - Engineering, Technologies and Systems, pp. 060006-1, 2024, Bulgaria, AIP Conf. Proc. 2980, 010001 (2024), DOI 10.1063/5.0184877

    Copyright AIP Publishing -AIP Conference Proceedings

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