Autors: Damyanov, I. S., Saliev, D. N., Miletiev, R. G., Dimitrov, K. L.
Title: Development of a mobile autonomous chassis for studying grassland areas by using thermal cameras
Keywords: autonomous chassis , thermal cameras , image analysis , gras

Abstract: This article focuses on the topic of using intelligent approaches and modern hardware and software solutions and systems in the study of pasture areas, by using infrared imaging and developing a mobile, autonomously driven chassis with the ability to robotize the processes of movement, capture the necessary data, processing the information and providing information about the investigated areas.



    31th National Conference with International Participation "Telecom 2023", 2023, Bulgaria, IEEE, Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-0329-2, DOI: 10.1109/TELECOM59629.2023.10409686

    Full text of the publication

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