Autors: Ivanova Y. M., Filipova-Petrakieva, S. K.
Title: Online Learning and Assessment of Theoretical Knowledge in Electrical Engineering Courses for Part-time Education
Keywords: online courses Electrical Engineering, part-time education

Abstract: Recently, e-learning as a model for knowledge learning has become more popular after the global COVID pandemic. It is even more effective than in-person learning as it allows students to study at their speed. In the present paper, a Web-based application for learning theoretical knowledge in the different courses in Electrical Engineering is developed. Lectures and sample quiz questions to assess the knowledge are implemented therein. In case of an incorrect answer to the test questions, the application refers the learner to the place in the theory corresponding to the question. Two roles are implemented in the application – administrator and user (learner). The following technologies - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, MongoDB, Bootstrap, jQuery и PUG, are used to develop the application. Desktop and mobile versions of the application are proposed. It can be used to simplify some of the part-time learning education for students (lectures, tutorials, and course assessments).



    BulEF'2023, 2023, Bulgaria, DOI 10.1109/BulEF59783.2023.10406230

    Copyright IEEE Xplore

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