Autors: Filipova-Petrakieva, S. K., Cherneva G. P.
Title: Transformations of Passive Linear Оne-port Networks with Equal Branch Impedances from 3D Half-Cube Schematic to an Equivalent Impedance
Keywords: passive one-ports transformations-series/parallel,Delta-Star

Abstract: Analysis of linear electric circuits with one voltage source is simplified if equivalent transformations of the corresponding circuits are applied. After that, a circuit with a simpler structure is obtained, but the values of all currents in its branches and of all voltages in it do not change. Normally, in analysis, the 3D electric circuit is presented as a graphical 2D schematic. In this study, transformations of an electric circuit with a 3D circuit to look like a half-cube are suggested. Each branch of the circuit includes only passive elements and all branches’ impedances are equal. Thus, there is no possibility of the appearance of phenomenon serial and/or parallel resonances in the considered electric circuit. Three basic cases of power supply between pairs of nodes in the circuit are considered. Thus, the initial circuit is replaced with a passive linear one-port network including only one impedance. All proposed transformations are applicable for both DC and AC sweeps.



    BulEF'2023, 2023, Bulgaria, DOI 10.1109/BulEF59783.2023.10406243

    Copyright IEEE Xplore

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