Autors: Petrov, D. G.
Title: An alternative way to create interference fit joint between a hub and a shaft
Keywords: CAD; FEA; interference fit joint; Poisson’s ratio

Abstract: An alternative way of implementation of the transverse method of connecting two cylindrical elements of machines (the so-called shaft-hub connection) with interference fit is proposed. This new way uses the Poisson effect of expansion or contraction of solids transversely to the direction of application of the load. A new coefficient for the materials used in such a connection of machine elements is introduced. This coefficient has been called here coefficient of the maximum permissible relative change in dimensions of solids transversely to the direction of the applied force. Based on investigation and comparison of mechanical properties of materials used in the machine elements, the feasibility of the proposed way of the interference fit is proved. A verification of the proposed method in CAD environment with using FEA is made. © 2023, Politechnica University of Bucharest. All rights reserved.



    UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering, vol. 85, issue 4, pp. 179–190, 2023, Romania, Politechnica University of Bucharest, ISSN 14542358

    Copyright journal “Scientific Bulletin” , D series: Mechanical Engineering, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest

    Full text of the publication

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